When creating a message targeted at niche market, intelegence needs to be considered. If the market you wish to reach is educated, they need more information in order to persuade them. If the market is general, then the message should feature humor or use a different angle to be received well.
An intelligent person is more receptive to a message. Meaning they understand what the advertisement is trying to convey. They are harder to pusuade because they will not yield to stupidity and are confident with their dispositions and their decisions.
Partially intelegent individual can be persuaded without having to divulge a lot of information. Patially intelegent people generally need a message that does the thinking for them. Intelligent have a higher need for cognition need more information, but resist change more than people who have a low need for cognition. For example a cognitive thinker would be persuaded more by the Jewish advertisement above becuase they are more likely to understand the wit. Below the top image is what appeals to persons with a general intelligence.
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