Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 12

  Age should always be considered when creating an advertisement. There are Federal Communications Commission set regulations that limit advertisements during childrens programming, according to the FCC website. Children are extremely easier to persuade than adults, and therefore, it may be considered unethical in certain circumstances.
   The FCC limits the amount of time commercials can run during children's programs. For example, programmers must not air more than 12 minutes of commercail time during an hours worth of programming. Furthermore, according to the website, the products that are being promoted must not relate to the programming.
  According to Social Psycholgy and Human Nature, kids tend to follow their parents idiologies. But when a person reaches the age of 18 until they are 25 there attitudes and perceptions are likely to change. From the ages of 26 to 33, people change only moderately, but after that attidudes and perceptions are set until 60.  From the ages of 60 and up, attitudes and perceptions change the most, according to the book.


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