Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 8

  In the heart of mid-term elections, I will focus on negative advertising in the media for two weeks. I am a native Coloradoan, and negative advertising is consuming the airwaves, the television, my web-spaces, and my mailbox. Before I delve into the psychological aspects of negative advertising, In this blog, I will express my opinion. In my next blog, I will discuss research.
  In my opinion, which is totally biased right now, I do not like the negativity. I am done hearing about who believes in abortion, or gay marriage and many of the ads are focused on these types of topics.  I know that Americans rights are always significant, threatened, and sometimes not there, but, as a country, we have other things to be worried about at this moment.
  Right now, I want to know what these politicians feel about the war and our broken economy. There are ads out there that are positive, but are lost in the negativity. I believe this says something about our country as a whole. Americans seem to thrive on negativity, even if they don't mean to. Consider: I am addressing negativity with negativity?
  In advertising negativity has a place. It can be used to scare someone into buying a product, or taking a position. It can be used in comparison advertising in a more subtle way. It can be used, and often is used by non-profits, to show how bad life can be and why a consumer should care. 
  As a side note: The political negative advertising was not to bothersome at first, but is definitely rubbing me the wrong way. Over-consumption is bad, isn't it?

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